
Saturday, March 22, 2008

I miss you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well, too many things have happened in such a short period of time. I must thank some of my closer friends who have been telling me to hang on there. To be honest I find quite a bit of difficulty in coping nowadays. I must be mad to choose to do Econs now,really. What was I thinking?Am I stupid not to defer one of the core modules?

Here's a list of things coming up (there may be more):

FYP Registration Deadline: 14th March
Deadline of Phase 2 PA: 18th March
Channel Research Project Presentation :19th March
Accounting BSC Project: 19th March (Wooo...2 things due in a day.How nice.)
Marcom Audit Presentation: 25th March
Channel Project Deadline: Let's not think about that first.
Markstrat presentation: Ditto
Exam revisions: (should start now)

This is the WORST semester that I have ever had..i can't breathe!Seriously, Markstrat should just go to hell. We got to meet up so many times in a semester for this bloody simulation game!!!

With the arrival of the baby, I really wonder what will happen to me.

Anyway, I caught The Leap Years with Mark on the 29th Feb. It's a very touching romantic movie, very different from the typical rou ma films that you get everyday.It made me cry pretty know the sort of cry that will make you tremble quite a bit?Yeah,whatever.

And ANYWAY,*** Magazines do not pay interns. What the hell.

I have also NOT received my pay for January.How fked up is that company.

One last note, next Monday will be our 3rd Year


Thank you for being with me always, I love you.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

生活的步伐越来越快。脚步的节奏也无法放慢。每天总是往这里跑,往那里走。明天又有另外一个 interview, 不知这次的表现会不会上两次的好。其实,我已开始放弃了。这又何必呢?随缘不是更好吗